Grill Set Collaboration with Lamson
Grill Set Collaboration with Lamson

It's always a treat to partner with fellow creators, especially ones in our own backyard. For this Summer, we partnered up with our friends over in Western Mass on a grill set for Summer. Read (and watch) on to learn more about Lamson and why we're proud to partner with another team passionate about manufacturing in Massachusetts.

Steele Canvas is always looking for new opportunities to partner with local makers, so when one of our team members came back from a long weekend raving about grill tools that their father-in-law had used, we took notice. As it turns out, those grill tools were from an organization not unlike our own.

We made a few phone calls and were able to come up with a grill set: Steele's canvas roll and Lamson's 3-piece set

Check out some scenes from the creation of the tools below: 

Get your set!

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